I've been called ditzy, blonde, special, slow... and I never really thought much of it because people always seem to laugh and make it sound like they're just kidding around and they're saying these things with endearment. Then this week when I was talking with my mom about how I was so immature at 23 and I wouldn't have been able to handle a pregnancy at that time, even though I should've been more than able. Its not like I was a teenager. I've known plenty of girls who had kids before they even turned 21 and handled it fine. And my mom says, "yeah, I guess you were kind of...slow. Well, developmentally slow I guess you could say." So, the truth comes out. After all these years, she is finally telling me that I'm not "special" in the way I thought she meant all this time... I'm special like "
dee dee dee" special... wtf? So, I asked her, "what if my baby is like that?" and she replies, "Well, that was because your mom did a whole bunch of drugs right before she got pregnant with you and even though I stopped cold turkey when I found out I was pregnant, I didn't have time to clean out my system prior to getting pregnant."
So, what if the medications I take--although they are supposedly ok to continue taking--have the same effect on my child? And if they do, then what can I do differently in raising them to prevent them from having the same setbacks that I've had with being "slow"?
Oh boy... I know this is only the beginning of all the questions and concerns I'll have. I'm in for it.
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