Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Joys of Working While Pregnant

Ok, so not only did I get a "talking to" about my attendance while I was in my first trimester misery but they documented the meeting and had me sign off on it. Now that I'm into my 2nd trimester, I'm actually able to be at work more. So the attendance isn't as big of a problem at the moment. ...now the problem is that I'm tired, forget things, make mistakes easily and just don't feel like working! So, what now? They're going to keep a record of the tasks I do daily to make sure everything's getting done. WTF!? Can't they just leave me alone and let me work at my own pace? Its bad enough I have to be in this hell hole, learning a job that I never wanted to get into, surrounded by people I can't stand, with no choice but to stay because I need the insurance and the maternity leave pay. It hard enough for me to get through the day without having to deal with them bringing up reason's I'm not living up to my potential. Assholes!

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