Saturday, June 13, 2009

Baby Hogging

I feel like I'm being burdened by both sides of this situation. On the one hand, I'm frustrated that I have no freedom anymore. Everything I do is such a drawn out process and has to be planned well in advance and around baby's eating schedules. I can't just run out to the store. I have to make sure its after she's fed but not too close to when she'll eat again so that she doesn't get upset while I'm out with her. Or I have to make sure I let Daddy know that I need to go out so he can take her right after I feed her and I can leave right away. And if I say I want to go to the store he has to ask me where and why. I can't just go to the store because I want to buy something? You have to decide if its something I need to get right now first? Maybe I just want a break or an escape.

Then on the other hand, it's nice that everyone wants to be part of the baby's life. But now that she's here we get so many visitors that we can't have a single weekend to ourselves. You would think that being with her 24-7 during the week would make me want people to come over and take her for a while so I could just be here with Daddy and not have to worry about her because I know she's just in the other room in good hands. But it doesn't. It just makes me tired and frustrated because nobody knows her cues like I do, so she cries so much more when other people are around. Nobody bothers to check her diaper, they think she just has gas or wants to be rocked. NO, what she wants is a clean diaper and to be put down for a while so she can have some time to herself to chill. Yes, I hold her all the time but she doesn't want to be held every second. From my point of view, it seems like she gets sick of other people and just wants to get back to her time with Mommy. My family seems to think that they are all going to have some huge part in raising her. They're always saying stuff about how they plan to influence her and it just makes me so mad. They can raise their own kids when they have them. I just want to be like, "Everyone leave us the hell alone! She's my baby and I don't want to share her!!"

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