Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2008 Recap

So, what happened this year? What was I focused on? Was I happy? Was it a good year?

Well, I thought I'd started off the year pretty focused on making myself happier. I broke off my engagement to FI and began a new romance with my Best Friend. I worked with my doctor to adjust my medication and wasn't feeling as depressed as I had been the year before. I was spending more time on hobbies that I enjoyed and trying to get some direction in life. I was extremely happy with BF and the way things were moving along sort of quickly but still in a somewhat smart and cautious way. Then the end of Summer comes and I get knocked up, sick, depressed, and pretty freaked out! Since then I've been doing pretty well. I have to admit, I think the pregnancy has really thrown a wrench in the works as far as the progress I felt I'd been making at the beginning of the year. I'm not who I want to be at all right now. But I just keep reminding myself that once I get through this and the baby comes, that will be my opportunity to get myself back on track. I definitely think I'm going to have to get back on my meds so I feel like myself again. Even with the meds I know I wouldn't feel completely normal again now because of all the physical changes I'm dealing with. So I'd like to try and do the whole pregnancy without them.

All in all... I think it was a pretty good year. I love BF and am looking forward to all the things we have yet to experience together. I'm excited to meet our baby girl!! I know everything is going to be a challenge but I am happy to be sharing it with him.

What do I want for next year?
A house of our own
A new and better job
Some sense of financial security
Time to dedicate to studying or practicing art/design
More Energy
More Happiness
Health for my loved ones

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