Friday, November 9, 2007

All This Just to Get My Keys Back!

Ok… so I go to the house we went to the other day, which we thought was the house we'd been at last Friday, and I’m trying all the doors. Nothing’s open. I see the side window by the driveway is unlocked so I was about to try and open it but I figured I better ring the bell first. I ring the bell and a little old lady comes to the window and says, “can I help you?” So I had to tell her that I think I have the wrong house, I’m looking for Dee. She said there’s no Dee there, so I said I was very sorry and I left. Then within the next hour and a ½ I drove around in that little area, like a 4 block radius, creeping up on houses, getting out of my car and walking down the driveways to try and see the addresses b/c I didn’t have my glasses--since they're in my car which I have no keys for--and I’m totally blind in the dark, or to see if there was a couch in the back yard b/c that’s where she said she’d leave my purse and keys. I couldn’t understand her on the phone when I called to ask her for the address b/c there was too much background noise like she was in a bar, so I’m looking for 985 Aspen and can’t find it. I figured I must’ve heard her wrong so I’m going to 485 Ashland, 445 Alpine, 985 Arizona! Looking for a grey & brick house b/c that’s what she told me it looked like. I stopped at a house that looked like that, walked around the back and was about to try the door but figured I should ring the bell first just in case. I rang the front door bell and it was an old man! So, he tried to give me directions to Ashland b/c at that point I thought it had to be on Ashland. Still couldn’t find anything. I must’ve turned around 17 times! I called J and tried to get the directions from him again but he said exactly what he said to us the first time, so that’s what I had been doing the whole time and found nothing. I texted Dee and asked her to text the address to me b/c I think I misunderstood her and there is no 985 Aspen. She says, “yes there is. That’s the address.” So, I’m on the phone with FI all distraught b/c I’ve been driving in circles for an hour and a ½, can’t find it, and then I get pulled over by a cop!! As he’s walking up to the truck FI says he thinks his insurance is not in the car, its in his wallet at home, so I’m like, OH fricken great! I’ll call you back. The cop comes to the window and says, “Um… Are you lost? I saw you drive up and down Ashland about 10 times in the last hour.” So, yeah, I tell him I’m lost I’m trying to find this house that’s supposed to be at 985 Aspen and there is no Aspen. He says… “Aspen’s on the other side of Higgins.” (!?!?!?!) So, he says, “C’mon I’ll take you over there you can follow me.” I follow him over there, he stops at the first house on Aspen, shines his light on it and moves on. So, I wave my hand out the window, stop the car, get out and walk into the back yard. There must have been 100 old chairs back there!!! It was like a fricken junk yard!!! I’m like, “wtf? You’ve got to be kidding me! How could I not remember a yard this weird?” So, I look around… no couch. I go to the door and start to open it, and there’s a lady crouched down next to it about to put a leash on her dog. So, I’m like “OH.. um, I’m not sure if I have the right house. I’m looking for Dee. Does Dee live here?” And I think the lady wanted to close the door so she’s like, “no, there’s no Denise here.” And I was just so confused that I kept asking her questions… “Is this 985 Aspen? Do you know where 985 is?” I guess she was about to walk her dog, so she comes outside and I explained to her that a cop was supposed to be showing me to the right house but he stopped here. She walks out front with her dog, and tries to tell me which house she thinks is 985. The cop then pulls back up and is like, “what are you doing?” So, I explain to him that I thought this was the house he was pointing to and he says, “no, I was just trying to see the addresses.” So, then he gets back in his car, backs up. Stops right in front of the house so I can’t go past him. Asks me for my information, and types in the computer “getting purse from 985 Aspen”. Then walks me into the back yard where I found my purse and keys just sitting there right on the couch. I totally wanted to crawl in a hole and die. It was so ridiculous!!!!

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