Sunday I was sort of in the same mood. Then I started crying at one point during the day and I didn't even know why. BF asked me if he'd done something and I assured him that it had nothing to do with him. I went in the living room while he took a shower and grabbed my sketch book. I immediately started to draw a picture of 2 cliffs with a gray cloudy sky and full moon behind them. The day before I'd done a pastel drawing of a sunset with a cliff in the foreground. I realized that for some reason I've had this image of cliffs stuck in my head for the last few days. What could it mean? What am I trying to say?
Although I hadn't been dreaming about them, I looked up dreams to find a meaning for this imagery and I found these definitions:
1. Cliff Dream Meaning, Psychological meaning: You may be at a critical point in your life and fear loosing control. Emotionally you may feel as if you are 'teetering on the brink' or feel that your life is like a 'cliff hanger' movie. If you dream of climbing a cliff, it may show how you are trying to overcome an obstacle. Once over this problem the way ahead is smooth and even.
2. Cliff: To dream that you are standing at the edge of a cliff, denotes that you have arrived to an increased level of understanding, new awareness, and a fresh point of view. You may have
reached a critical point in your life and may fear losing control.

3. Cliff - A place that represents a threat and feeling vulnerable. Falling from: Losing control of oneself or situation.
So I'm wondering...what do I fear losing control of? What would cause me to lose control of myself?
This is my attempt at being deep and intelluctual...
I notice you commented on how you like that bf feels like its okay to bring out his silly/relaxed side out around you.
Maybe you're feeling like you on the edge of losing control over your cool/calm/collected side around him. I don't know you other than what I've read on your blog, but could be that you're afraid to be as relaxed around him around him because you feel like that could be losing control.
Or I could be completely off base...
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