I am at work, where I usually do most of my blogging and I'm having the hardest time focusing. I haven't been able to get anything done all week. All I've done is surf the net, chatting on wedding boards and--my new obsession--building my family tree on Ancestry. I have stacks of papers that should've been mailed out Monday, a delivery in the back that should've been unloaded and put away on Monday, and...well pretty much everything should've been done by Monday. But now it's Wednesday and I'm still slackin'. Of course, it doesn't help that the tornado sirens keep going off, we're supposed to take cover, and I'm sitting here at my desk which faces 2 windows. Am I scared? No, not really. We go through this a couple times a year. But I am a little freaked out by the fact that I'm facing 2 huge planes of glass which would shatter and fly at me if a tornado did hit our location. So, that's just another thing to distract me from getting anything done. I don't know what my problem is this week. I feel lazy beyond my own control. Its weird. Not to mention, I'm completely fed up with answering the phones here. Its my job; I'm a receptionist. But I want to reach my hand through the phone and slap every person that calls. I have no patience for this job anymore. Everyone needs to talk to their rep immediately. They have no regard for if they're at lunch, or on another line. The callers consider everything a fricken emergency! Its ridiculous. I want to yell at them, "she's at lunch! Figure it out on your own dumbass!" But of course I can't because I need to keep my job for now. I hope no one has noticed that I'm not getting anything done. Maybe tomorrow I'll double up on my morning Starbucks and hope that will help give me the extra motivation I need. ...I better start looking for a new job.
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