Ever since I was little I had this weird fascination with peeling skin. When I'd get sunburn I couldn't wait to peel the skin off bit by bit. My cousin and I used to sit on the edge of our beds in our Summer cabin and peel it off in big sheets. Then we'd lay them out on the nightstand to compare who was able to tear off the biggest sheet of skin. It's very weird and a little gross, I know. But it just looks so cool when you do it, and I get a weird sensation--obsession maybe--with the process of peeling back a layer of your own skin. Now that I'm older and I was blissfully ignorant about putting sunscreen on this past vacation, I still get the same thrill from it. I think this is the worst sunburn I've ever had. It didn't even look like sunburn at first. It looked like I had rope burns across my chest! A couple weeks have passed and its starting to break down, the skin is flaking and peeling.... and the personal contest begins. How large of a sheet of skin can I peel off at one time? I am so weird.
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