Friday, February 29, 2008
Missing You Already

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Don't Be So Sensitive
A Lot Like Love

Monday, February 25, 2008
How to Be Romantic

How to Take a Girl on a Perfect Date
Guide to a Perfect Date
Cheat Sheet For The Perfect Date
Best ideas for your perfect date
So, what do I think is important? Do your research! Even if a guy admits to getting all his ideas off the internet or a movie, at least he put in the time and effort of finding out what it takes to impress me. Find out what I like! Flowers, chocolates, candles... I love the city; take me to a restaurant you found on Metromix. Pay attention to details! Yes, candles will set the mood. But take a minute to pick out special candles when you're at the store. Don't just get some 99 cent jar candles that smell like wax. Go for a scent that will have a euphoric effect like Jasmine-Ylang Ylang is said to have. But don't use these candles on the dinner table... you don't want the smell to be overpowering. When in doubt, do your best to reacreate any romantic scene from a favorite movie. You can't fail with that... well, unless you do it half assed I guess.

nzgirl - Top 10 Most Romantic Movie Scenes
Most Romantic Movie Scene
Top Romantic Movies
Some of my favorite romantic movies:
50 first Dates, Sweet Home Alabama, The Wedding Singer, Chocolat, Say Anything, Moulin Rouge, Pretty Woman, Armageddon, Ever After, Jerry Maguire, Romeo + Juliet, French Kiss, 40 Days and 40 Nights, Spanglish, Mr. Deeds, Fools Rush In... I suppose I could go on forever with this...can you tell its my favorite type of movie?
Already picturing it! Why?

Quality Time
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Spacing Out
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
The Rainbow
Monday, February 18, 2008
More of My Weirdness

hahaha…I bleed emo.
Ripping the Bandaid Off

Thursday, February 14, 2008
Almost 5:00
And then there's him. He had absolutely no plans for me today. He had plans for Winnie... but not me. That's understandable. Its not like he can even see me on Valentine's Day. But he could've at least thought of me ahead of time like he did her. I'm supposedly #1 to him...except on all major holidays. Whatev.
NOT Related to Love

Monday, February 11, 2008
How many times must we go through this?
You've always been mine, woman i thought you knew this.
How many times must we go through this?
You'll always be mine, Cupid only misses sometimes.
But we could end up broken hearted.
If we don't remember why this all started,
And if they try to tell you love fades with time,
Tell them there's no such thing as time
It's our time.

--Jack Johnson, Cupid
Friday, February 8, 2008
Doubts & Logic
I was thinking about the things I've always wanted in a man and realized, "I can't be with him. He'll never fit into that description of what I want." I want a guy...
Who's going to sweep me off my feet.
Who likes all the music I like and sings to me.
Who buys me stuff and sends me roses at work.
Who can't get enough of me. (well, he's got that one down so far.)
Who takes me out on real dates no matter how long we've been together.
Who appreciates a little old school when it comes to taking a girl out... TGIFridays and a movie are ok, but if you really want to impress me you better be dressing sharp, showing up with flowers, and making a reservation for dinner because that's the way to court a lady.
Who makes me feel like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. (No...not like a hooker! Girls know what I'm talking about... like you've gone from rags to riches...more like Cinderella.)
Who will watch The Notebook with me.
Who wants to try new things with me.
Who likes to do the things I like to do.
Who sends me sweet text messages.
Who knows how to keep me happy.
Who wants to slow dance with me.
Who wants to travel together.
Who wants to cook for me.
The list goes on... I'm sure there are a lot of things on the list that he does fit into. But what about the rest? Do I just forget about the rest if the love is strong enough? Sometimes I think I'll never find the one who fits my perfect description. Its understandable...that's a lot to expect. But I'm a dreamer. I should be able to have exactly what I want now and then learn to love the rest later, right? While I'm young I should have passion and an amazing relationship. Its funny how I am constantly changing this list of what I want. I have lists from several years ago with my last boyfriend, and then with my fiance... I found this website that makes fun of that. It totally reminded me of myself. I think if I include all the things on that list now, I should be able to find someone who will last. haha..
Thursday, February 7, 2008
I Got It Like That!

So Smitten..
I know I am in way too deep now but what can I do about it? I'm head over heels for him. I just want to scream it from the rooftops... I'm in love with my best friend!!!!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Lifting the Gloom

I think I am going to seek counseling for all this drama I'm putting myself through. I got the number of someone from a friend of mine. She seems to like the counselor she's seeing. As soon as I can get my new insurance card I'm making an appointment. Its probably much needed if I'm feeling like the only thing that can relieve my stress these days is to smoke pot by myself.
Mad Love

Sunday was the Superbowl, and I usually don't drink a lot for that because I always have to work the next day. But he was there and FI had decided to go elsewhere for the game. So, when people started leaving our friend's house afterwards, he and I just kept drinking. We ended up passing out on the floor together. I woke up just in time to call in sick to work and go back to sleep. I stayed there most of the day with him... I called in sick to work because I had been an irresponsible drunk the night before... all so I could be with him again. I'm so out of control right now. I need to get ahold of myself.