How to Take a Girl on a Perfect Date
Guide to a Perfect Date
Cheat Sheet For The Perfect Date
Best ideas for your perfect date
So, what do I think is important? Do your research! Even if a guy admits to getting all his ideas off the internet or a movie, at least he put in the time and effort of finding out what it takes to impress me. Find out what I like! Flowers, chocolates, candles... I love the city; take me to a restaurant you found on Metromix. Pay attention to details! Yes, candles will set the mood. But take a minute to pick out special candles when you're at the store. Don't just get some 99 cent jar candles that smell like wax. Go for a scent that will have a euphoric effect like Jasmine-Ylang Ylang is said to have. But don't use these candles on the dinner table... you don't want the smell to be overpowering. When in doubt, do your best to reacreate any romantic scene from a favorite movie. You can't fail with that... well, unless you do it half assed I guess.

nzgirl - Top 10 Most Romantic Movie Scenes
Most Romantic Movie Scene
Top Romantic Movies
Some of my favorite romantic movies:
50 first Dates, Sweet Home Alabama, The Wedding Singer, Chocolat, Say Anything, Moulin Rouge, Pretty Woman, Armageddon, Ever After, Jerry Maguire, Romeo + Juliet, French Kiss, 40 Days and 40 Nights, Spanglish, Mr. Deeds, Fools Rush In... I suppose I could go on forever with this...can you tell its my favorite type of movie?
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