Later, when I decided it was time for me to go to bed I said to him "are you staying over or going home?" He wanted to stay, so we went to bed thinking we were both actually tired for once on a weekday at 10:00. But then I was totally unable to sleep. I was tossing and turning. My body was buzzing with energy but my mind was telling me its sleepy and wanted to pass out. Its such an obnoxious feeling! I
didn't want to wake him with my squirming so I went on the couch and curled up in a little ball, trying to relax. That didn't work. Finally I ate some cottage cheese--something my parents would make me do to fall asleep when I was little. That must've worked because some time after that I found myself waking up from sleep on the couch, so I went back into bed to sleep for good. I have a slight suspicion that I might have taken one too many pills yesterday afternoon when I took my daily dose. I couldn't remember if I'd taken them yet or not. So, perhaps that was the reason for my aggitation. But other than that I have no clue. Maybe it was just BFs presence that was aggitating. Who knows?

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