Wednesday, April 23, 2008

More About Work

You know, the funny thing about work is... I have been completely worthless for the last 3 weeks. I have absolutely no motivation to do anything. I don't feel like working so instead I just do online stuff. I know I've been slacking with all my daily duties and what-not but I just don't really care. I've had moments of paranoia where I think, "Do they know I'm slacking so much? Are people complaining? Are they moving me into a different position so they can keep a closer eye on me? Are they doing it just so they can have me train someone to take my place and then they're going to fire me? Do they know I'm going to hate customer service and I'll end up quitting and then they'll be rid of me and all my laziness?" ...ok, so I get a little crazy with my 1 minute paranoid episodes. I know I need to get my stuff done, organize my desk area and my thoughts and create a handbook from which to train the new person when we get one. But I cannot focus on anything but my own little internet world... and they took the firewall down last week too, so now I can get on myspace on top of all the other sites!

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