Monday, April 14, 2008

Rude Awakening

Ugh... I hate being a girl sometimes! I woke up to the biggest mess. I got up and had this feeling, "uh monthly friend is in overkill mode! I slept too soundly last night." So, I went to the bathroom and this crimson mess is all over my PJ bottoms! I don't even understand how it made the pattern it did... what was I doing in my sleep? Yuck! I'm hoping that it only got on my PJs and not on the bed, since BF slept over last night and I can imagine that any guy would be thoroughly grossed out by any sign of female cycles left in the sheets. So, I take my clothes and throw them in the wash right away, but I totally forgot to check the bed. I'm crossing my fingers that its all good. Luckily he was sleeping like a baby, so he didn't notice me fumbling around trying to take care of my mess while I was getting ready for work.

He's so cute when he sleeps, with his pouty lips and long eyelashes. He looks so innocent.

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