I stopped by his house yesterday and could not stop smiling... even before I got there, I was so ecstatic to see him. So, we talked about New Year's Eve and laughed about the
things he said and then he tells me, "I wouldn't have said them if they weren't true. There would be no reason for me to even think them if they weren't true."

..um...what?.. excuse me? No.. don't tell me that. I was fine trying to pretend those sweet nothings whispered in my ear were just drunkenness. We're friends. Best friends ...but just friends. If they're true... then my heart is melting into a giant pool of school girl mush. I feel like I just got the note back saying circle yes or no and he circled YES.
Now I really can't stop thinking about him. I dreamt about him last night and when my alarm
went off and I woke up, the first song that played on the radio was Alicia Keys "No One". Its like everything in the universe is telling me to be with him. Its crazy... he makes me feel like I'm floating on a cloud. I don't remember feeling this way since I was with my ex-boyfriend about 8 years ago!! I thought no one would ever make me feel this way and the fact that its someone so close to me is just so unnexpected. I'm just going to sit back and enjoy it.

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