Ok, as if this couldn't get any more confusing and stressful, it just seems to keep getting worse...
He has now gone on 2 dates with the girl he had a crush on all through childhood, who just happened to be back around the neighborhood now--10 years later. I wasn't worried about it at first. I thought she was just another cover up girl. But when I heard the history behind it I freaked out. I tried to look her up on Myspace and couldn't find her. I kept thinking she was this gorgeous little Latina girl with big boobs, tiny waist, and a big ass--judging by her name and the way he'd talked about her in the past. He never really talked about how she looked, but it was the way he was dying to see a pic of her and had me look her up on myspace once... I figured she was hot as hell. Then I went out Saturday night with the girls, and
he called me to come meet up where he was hanging out with the guys with her. So, I decided to go. I had to see what all the hype was about. I get there and meet her and she is this little paler-than-me white girl who really didn't even seem that pretty. I was expecting SO much more. I can't believe
this is the girl he'd been talking about whenever he mentioned her before. So of course, I leaned over to my girl friend, laughed and said, "I'm ok now. Not threatened at all."
But as the night went on that feeling went away as I noticed how non-existent I was to him. He was all about her... talking to her all night, had his arms around her, she was sitting on his lap, kissing him... and every time I looked at them I got a sick feeling in my stomach. I get that just thinking about it now. I was talking to one of our guy friends most of the night and he told me,
"That's his Winnie Cooper. Its ten years in the making... he told me they picked up right where they left off when they were kids. He's Kevin!" (excuse me while I hurl...blahhhh). And the few times he did come talk to me he was like, "what... you don't talk to me anymore?" and wanted me to give him a kiss on the cheek. Did he not know what he was doing to me?!
His date did sit down next to me and talk for a while. That was interesting. I'm assuming she was pretty drunk... either that or just really stupid. She kept repeating the same short sentences over and over. I swear she and FI would be perfect for each other! She was telling me, "I haven't seen him since I was 12 and I'm 24 now. We always had a crush on each other but we were shy kids and didn't know what to do. Now we're grown and its like we picked up right where we left off." I wanted to push her right off the counter where we were sitting and say,

"Listen bitch! You left 10 years ago...that's right when I met him. I've been here for the last 10 years and if anything,
I deserve to be
his Winnie Cooper! Fuck you and your 6th grade crush.
I've been here through everything with him. He's not that shy little boy you knew. You probably don't even know what a player he's been the whole time, what bad things he's gotten into through the years, or what he wants to do with his future. You don't know anything about his life now! Go back to where you came from and leave
me where
I left off."
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