Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Playing Games
Why do I feel the need to play games with him? Is it because I know we can't be together? Is it because I want to get back at him for getting inside my head? I don't know really. I just know that I'm watching what I eat now and trying to get in a habit of working out so I can lose weight and get hot by Summer. Then I'll be able to wear a lot less clothing than I've worn in the past few years and he will not be able to resist me. Bwwahahaha...
Oh man, sometimes I can't believe the weird stuff that goes through my head.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
I'll give it till the weekend... then we'll see.
Monday, January 28, 2008
The Wonder Years
And then I kissed her, on the eye, and then she kissed me, on the eye.
But the thing is, that was all we did. Maybe it was happening too fast. Maybe we wanted to hold on to what we had. Or maybe we both knew there were other things we had to find before we found each other. All we really knew for sure was, as we sat there, looking out over the lights of the town where we had grown up together, it all felt right. It all felt...perfect.
I am so ridiculous. Like I said before... this whole thing makes me feel like I'm in highschool again.
Ten Years in the Making
But as the night went on that feeling went away as I noticed how non-existent I was to him. He was all about her... talking to her all night, had his arms around her, she was sitting on his lap, kissing him... and every time I looked at them I got a sick feeling in my stomach. I get that just thinking about it now. I was talking to one of our guy friends most of the night and he told me, "That's his Winnie Cooper. Its ten years in the making... he told me they picked up right where they left off when they were kids. He's Kevin!" (excuse me while I hurl...blahhhh). And the few times he did come talk to me he was like, "what... you don't talk to me anymore?" and wanted me to give him a kiss on the cheek. Did he not know what he was doing to me?!

Friday, January 25, 2008
This is How my Brain Works
I feel like I'm going through 2 breakups at once. I can't have him even if I call it off with FI. So, I'm setting myself up for failure! Yet again, like with everything else in life. Its only natural right? If you carry on 2 relationships you're bound to have 2 breakups. But usually you have one to fall back on for awhile and then maybe the other to fall back on again later. But not both at once. Its killing me inside. The stress has broken down my immune system so that I caught a flu that's going around. I thought I was better after a day, but as soon as I get stressed again I feel like I'm going to puke, my head spins, I'm dizzy. I should've known I was putting myself in this predicament. But I tried to follow my heart. Maybe my heart is self destructive... a masochist maybe. I think I need to go home and lay down.
The Plot Thickens
"Love is not about finding someone you can live with. Its about finding the one you cannot live without."
My eyes opened suddenly and I thought, he's the one I can't live without. Oh my god. I never thought of it that way before and now I'm seeing it. Is it true? I may want him in my life forever but that doesn't mean he's the one. Right?
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008
How Confusing Can It Get?
Then there's the fact that I keep feeling like he's playing me. I mean, he and I are closer than I've ever been with another one of my guy friends--or boyfriends or fiance for that matter--and I trust that he wouldn't do that to me. But at the same time... he still thinks I'm getting married and we could never be together. He still thinks "us" is only temporary. So why wouldn't he be playing me just to get what he can while its available?
So what is it that makes me feel like he's playing me? Its his history: habits of dating unavailable girls, patterns of always hooking back up with "old friends" when they just happen to break up with their boyfriend, and picking back up right where he left off with his old flames ... its the same thing I've always had with him. He's always been the one I run to when my relationship is falling apart, and he's always been the first one I cheat with... which I'm assuming is what happened with the other girls too. He had another date this weekend...yeah, yeah I know. He has to keep up the facade so people don't think our time together means anything. I think I'm the one who's messing that up, so its probably good that he's keeping up the front. But... Friday I spent the night with him where we stayed up until do I put this?... f*king. Then on Saturday night he "met up with an old friend" who was still laying next to him at 2 am Sunday.
I just can't take it. How could he stay up till dawn with me one night and then do whatever he might have done with her the next night? I get so jealous! So confused! I don't remember ever getting this way with my fiance when I knew he was hanging out with a girl. It was always like, "yeah whatever... I'm not worried about it. He's not going anywhere." But with him its like I know he can get any girl he wants and I'm scared he'll find "the one" and he won't need me anymore. I want to be the one. He makes me feel like I'm the only one he's ever really loved even with all the previous why not? I guess its kind of a double standard since I've always been with someone else and I technically still am, so how can I expect him not to try and find someone? Its understandable. I've had days where I was with him in the morning, and then I went home and was with my boyfriend at the time or fiance in the afternoon. That's 2 guys in one day! Yes, I understand its a little extreme or slutty if that's what you want to call it... but that's what happened on occasion. So, why... if I can do it... is it so hard for me to accept that he might be doing it too? I think I really need to detach myself from him because this whole situation is starting to drive me insane. Time to take a step back and chill for a while... sort things out without love, lust, or infatuation in the way.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
I don't care what people say
As long as you and me okay
Because I never been in love before
See I use to be a player and
All of this is new to me
And this ain't what I'm used to see
Because I never been in love before
...But he is now.
Monday, January 14, 2008
For some reason today, I'm thinking things like... am I a total ass for wanting to break up with FI? I know that BF can't be "the one" because he doesn't have all the qualities I would really like to find in a man. So, what am I doing? Am I just being an idiot or am I doing the right thing? Especially if FI is taking steps to better himself and his life. That should make me want to stick it out and see if we can make it work, right? Well, I don't know. Probably not.

Thursday, January 10, 2008
Fiend for You

So, what happened to that? I want that every single day! That's why my long relationships never last, because that feeling fades. It can't be fading this fast though!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
SO highschool

So what... he only loves me when I turn him on?
Then today he texts me about noon asking if I had more pics. And when I tried to start flirting and stuff like we did yesterday he was real brief with me saying he had to go somewhere soon and didn't have time. His exact words were "don't worry about where I'm going, just get me off". So I got all salty and was like "fuck you. get yourself off." and my brain started going all crazy on me. Who the hell does he think he is that he's got it like that? I'm not going to let him have this attitude where I'm just here to turn him on and get him off. First off, our friendship is too important to be on that tip all the time. Secondly, he messed up when he told me he was in love with me so many times, because now I think that's how he really feels and he's just hiding it so I won't get attached, since I have a fiance... but why would he be treating me like just another one of his girls if he really loves me? God, this is making me feel like I'm in highschool again. So ridiculous.
Monday, January 7, 2008

"You know, this isn't the first time this has happened to me--this love sick thing. I like serious relationships and ah, A girl like me don't stay single for long. 'Cause everytime a boyfriend and I break up--my world is crushed and I'm all alone--the love bug crawls right back up and bites me ...and I'm back."
Driving Me Crazy
I texted him to hang out on Friday and he texted me back saying he was on a date. I was like, "wtf? A date?" I thought he was in love with me. Why would he be on a date? So, then I spent the rest of the night pouting and trying to convince myself it was ok and I shouldn't make a big deal out of it. I'm engaged. He thinks we can't be together. Therefore he has to go on with his life. Its fine. took me an hour to fall asleep because I was thinking about him. Then at 6am I get a call from him... he just got home, he's drunk as hell, and he wants nothing more than to tell me how madly in love with me he is and how he felt so bad telling me he was on a date, and he really just wanted to ditch her and tell me to meet him there. ...Whatever. So, I go to his house the next day and he's acting like nothing happened. He laughed when I told him what he'd said on the phone and said, "yeah, I was wasted."
Ahhrrg! I'm going nuts here! I hate thinking that he's got all these other girls. He makes me feel so wonderful. So amazing. SO special. Then something like this happens and I think to myself... he's telling me the same stuff he tells all the other girls. I've been friends with him for so long that I've seen his thought process with other girls. I've seen him several times before when he's drunk telling me, "I'm so in love with her..." about different girls he can't have. So, I should know better! I'm kicking myself right now! I keep telling myself, "you should know better! Don't let him play you like he's played all the rest. He's your best friend. You know him better than that." But I am so smitten right now that its hard not to fall into it. ...and then I think to myself, "if he doesn't feel that way about me... then why am I throwing away my marriage? Should I just forget about him and try to work things out with my fiance? Should I try to create a marriage that works?" Its just endless confusion! But he is not the reason I don't want to get married. That's one thing I know for sure. He just happens to be mixed up in it all.
So...I told myself this morning that I am not going to call or text him all week, and hopefully all weekend. It will be the first weekend we haven't spent together in a while. Of course, usually when I try not to talk to him I end up breaking that little rule after a couple days because I just can't stop myself. But we'll see.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Circle: Yes or No

Meds & Emotions
She asked how the wedding plans were going and I told her...."well, they've sort of taken a turn in the opposite direction now. I'm feeling much better about myself and starting to think this guy is not THE ONE. Its weird, but the flowers, the dress, the wedding planning... none of it seems important anymore, when I used to be obsessed with it." Then she said something that I thought was pretty insightful for a woman who only sees me for 15 minutes every month and 1/2... "Maybe he was taking such good care of you when you were depressed that you didn't notice he wasn't right to marry. But now that you can take care of yourself, you realize he's not right for you."
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Wash Machine Confessionals
So...somehow my bf and I managed to steal away into a dark laundry room at the hotel on New Year's Eve while my fiance and the rest of our friends were running around the hotel socializing for the afterparty. It was wonderful! I know we had supposedly ended it... but I was really hoping I'd get to spend some time with him that night. We made out for a long time in the darkness, exchanging I love yous... I'm guessing it had to be an hour or so because after a while people started calling our phones wondering where we were. I had to try so hard not to let them hear me laughing in the background because he was telling them he got lost inside the hotel and didn't know where he was...too funny.
The next day I noticed a hickey on my neck and when I called to yell at him about it, I also got a good laugh out of telling him all the embarrassing things he said to me while we were in the dark... They say when you're drunk the truth comes out. Well, maybe... I mean, I seem to blurt out random half truths that I haven't even admitted to myself yet when I'm drunk. So, maybe he was really confessing his honest love for me. But we'll just treat it as drunkeness because there is no way the 2 of us want to think about it how true it really could be. He was telling me that he's always been in love with me, he wants to steal me away, he wants me all to himself, he wants to marry me... oh boy, the things he was saying... haha... and I absolutely loved hearing them too! It just feels so good to think that someone feels so passionately about you. ...even if it is just for a night.